Sunday, October 28, 2012

Prayer Room

We just started a prayer room at our base here at YWAM Tokyo.
It has been a journey and believe it will continue to be.

Because I felt the Lord directing me to prayer even before we began this prayer room, I jumped into it when I heard we are starting prayer room as a community.

We are pioneering different ministry, Cafe, Universities, Arts and Evangelism.
This prayer room as well we just begun pioneering.

Every Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning and afternoon, wednesday morning and thursday morning and afternoon we have prayer room running.
Because I decided to make prayer room my priority I meet up with others who have heart for the prayer rooms on friday and we lead each of the prayer room sets.

SO I had this privilege and honor of leading my first prayer room.
It was fun! It was challenging and yet very refreshing.

I felt the Lord speaking to me about our base growing in the prophetic and exhortation.
Therefore in the morning I gave out paper that I cut into shapes of T-shirt and wrote people's name on it. People got T-shirts of someone else's name written on it and they prayed and asked God what they needed to hear that day. They write it, draw it do whatever they feel led to and they pray for the release of this truth that they have written down to come alive. We pressed in and interceded for each other and when we felt the release from God, we gave the paper to the person. Then when we receive the paper that someone written a words for, we receive the word of truth and meditate on it.
Some of us repented for unbelief, celebrated this truth of who God calls us, and soaked in His love.
Personally I got messed up by what was written on mine, I felt breakthrough and Lord healed me through His words. It was really good. It is amazing how God touches you through the things you prepared for. After wards we hang the T-shirts on a clip that we had put in the church, it was so good to see everyone else's too!

Then in the afternoon we worshiped and praised the Lord. 
And whenever anyone felt in unction or sense from the Lord speaking then they prayed at the front. Then we did what it's called "rapid fire" where each of us line up and pray a short prayer. 
So when one person came up and prayed a prayer we went forward praying in agreement with what was said declaring and pressing in in unity. It was also very amazing. 
Agreement and unity in prayer are so powerful!
I love Him who is faithful to use someone like me. He is so committed and gentle. He is sweet and powerful. Even when I was restless He brought me such peace to just enjoy the time He has given me and just enjoying Him with everyone. 

Leading worship & Rapid Fire

We are planning on having a blog later on on our journey of prayer room! 
I hope you can check it out sometimes and if you have a burning of starting a prayer room GO FOR IT! It is so important for us to come and pray together. It is fun and at times stressful but God is growing us and encouraging us and building us to become intercessors. 

"He saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no one to intercede..." (Isaiah59:16)

You don't have to be called to be an intercessor, we are all called to pray and stand on the gap! 
Yay So thankful that even I can pray and intercede on behalf.