Wednesday, September 21, 2011

If you just realize

Today I once again realized that I do not know my God AT ALL, in a good way.
I have tasted and seen how wonderful and exciting He is yet I have yet to taste and see
His glorious and richness of love. It starts by recognizing that I don't get it ;)
More and more I am understanding that ALL things comes from God and I never create
ANYTHING good. Genuinely good stuff God puts in my heart, all that I got to do is partner with Him.

As I understand how much of nothing I am, I can know how everything God is
but funny thing is the more I know how everything God is I don't feel like I am nothing but I feel like I am part of everything because God who is everything gave His everything for me. That is just crazy.

He totally has every right to own me and use me and do whatever He wants with me BUT He chooses to wait for His beloved for them to choose Him and say "I choose You, I love You", although there is no other way but Him...its hard to comprehend, doesn't make sense in my mind but my spirit agrees in my heart that this is true and this is what I should devote all my heart, time, effort, money, LIFE into.

Being a missionary in Japan is straight up privilege. It is joyful thing :)
I hear people say this nation is hard, missionary graveyard, it is so tough...well saying all of that will certainly not advance the kingdom does it? hehe
God created this nation, He created every single Japanese and He chose me to be a witness of Jesus to the people here. Are there battles? YES but it is so worth fighting for. My God is totally worth the battle and to me my home, the people here in Japan are worth fighting for.
This nation is for sure redeemable, restorable, and rebuildable cause its in the hand of God.
There is nothing He cannot do for this nation, He can save every single Japanese people in a second if He wants to but He chooses people like me and others to move through because He loves partnership. He is always, all the time about relationship. Always, always always wanting to do it together with us.

Today I thank God that He trust my heart for Japan and the Japanese people here.
In spite of my weakness, although He sees every mistake and disobedience, He again and again use me to make His name known because He is committed to Japan more than I am and He is committed to my life more than I am. Lord I thank You for Your humility and patient towards me that You will receive my broken love and broken prayer and still receives it with joy and gladness. Break me deeper and mold me into more like You Jesus. Let everything be a glory and praise to You.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, amen, amen!

    Awesome stuff here Lindsey, thank you for sharing these deep lessons, & thank you Holy Spirit for revealing this!

    May these truths resonate more and more throughout Japan and the rest of the world.

